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Microsoft confirms ‘DogWalk’ zero-day vulnerability has been exploited

Microsoft has published a fix for a zero-day bug discovered in 2019 that it originally did not consider a vulnerability.

The tech giant patched CVE-2022-34713 – informally known as “DogWalk” – on Tuesday, noting in its advisory that it has already been exploited.

According to Microsoft, exploitation of the vulnerability requires that a user open a specially-crafted file delivered through a phishing email or web-based attack.

“In a web-based attack scenario, an attacker could host a website (or leverage a compromised website that accepts or hosts user-provided content) containing a specially crafted file designed to exploit the vulnerability,” Microsoft explained. “An attacker would have no way to force users to visit the website. Instead, an attacker would have to convince users to click a link, typically by way of an enticement in an email or instant message, and then convince them to open the specially crafted file.”

Later in the advisory, Microsoft said the type of exploit needed is called an “Arbitrary Code Execution,” or ACE, noting that the attacker would need to convince a victim through social engineering to download and open a specially-crafted file from a website which leads to a local attack on their computer. 

A three-year wait

The bug was originally reported to Microsoft by security researcher Imre Rad on December 22, 2019. Even though a case was opened one day later, Rad said in a blog post that Microsoft eventually declined to fix the issue six months later. 

Microsoft initially told Rad that to make use of the attack he described, an attacker would need “to create what amounts to a virus, convince a user to download the virus, and then run it.” The company added that “as written this wouldn’t be considered a vulnerability.” 

“No security boundaries are being bypassed, the PoC doesn’t escalate permissions in any way, or do anything the user couldn’t do already,” Microsoft told Rad. 

But in June, as security researchers dug into the “Follina” vulnerability, cybersecurity expert j00sean took to Twitter to resurface the issue and spotlight it again.  

Rad noted that on August 4, Microsoft contacted him and said they “reassessed the issue” and “determined that this issue meets our criteria for servicing with a security update” tagging it as CVE-2022–34713.

Microsoft said in its advisory that, like Follina, this is yet another vulnerability centered around Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool (MSDT)

“Public discussion of a vulnerability can encourage further scrutiny on the component, both by Microsoft security personnel as well as our research partners. This CVE is a variant of the vulnerability publicly known as Dogwalk,” Microsoft said this week. 

Microsoft acknowledged but did not respond to requests for comment about why their assessment of the issue changed after three years, but Microsoft security research and engineering lead Johnathan Norman took to Twitter to thank Rad and j00sean for highlighting the issue.

“We finally fixed the #DogWalk vulnerability. Sadly this remained an issue for far too long. thanks to everyone who yelled at us to fix it,” he said. 

Coalfire vice president Andrew Barratt said he has not seen the vulnerability exploited in the wild yet but said it would “be easily delivered using a phishing/rogue link campaign.”

When exploited, the vulnerability places some malware that automatically starts the next time the user reboots/logs into their Windows PC, Barratt explained, noting that while it is not a trivial point-and-click exploit and requires an attachment to be used in an email, it can be delivered via other fileservers – making it an interesting tactic for an insider to leverage.

“The vast majority of these attachments are blocked by Outlook, but various researchers point out that other email clients could see the attachment and launch the Windows troubleshooting tool (which it leverages as part of the exploit),” Barratt said. “The challenge for a lot of anti-malware is that the file leveraged doesn’t look like a traditional piece of malware, but could be leveraged to pull more sophisticated malware on to a target system. It's an interesting technique but not one that is going to affect the masses. I’d expect this to be leveraged more by someone meeting the profile of an insider threat.”

Bharat Jogi, director of vulnerability and threat research at Qualys, added that Microsoft likely changed its tune related to CVE-2022–34713 because today’s bad actors are growing more sophisticated and creative in their exploits.

Jogi noted that Follina has been recently used by threat actors — like China-linked APT TA413 — in phishing campaigns that have targeted local U.S. and European government personnel, as well as a major Australian telecommunications provider.

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Jonathan Greig

Jonathan Greig

is a Breaking News Reporter at Recorded Future News. Jonathan has worked across the globe as a journalist since 2014. Before moving back to New York City, he worked for news outlets in South Africa, Jordan and Cambodia. He previously covered cybersecurity at ZDNet and TechRepublic.