AMD investigating claims of stolen data
Chip manufacturing giant Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) said it is investigating claims from a digital extortion group that data was stolen from the company.
In a statement to The Record, AMD said it is “aware of a bad actor claiming to be in possession of stolen data from AMD.”
“An investigation is currently underway,” the spokesperson said.
The RansomHouse extortion group added AMD to its list of victims on Monday, claiming to have stolen more than 450 GB in January.
The RansomHouse leak group has claimed today that they have data from chipmaker AMD.
— Catalin Cimpanu (@campuscodi) June 27, 2022
Unverified. There were some rumors earlier this year that AMD was hit by ransomware, but they were never confirmed officially confirmed.
(via @CSICCybersecur1)
RestorePrivacy was the first to report the RansomHouse claims, examining a sample of the stolen data and finding AMD passwords, system information and other network files.
The extortion group told the site that employees of the billion-dollar chip giant used weak passwords, with some even using “password” for sensitive accounts.
The group boasted of the attack on its Telegram channel, offering samples of the data it stole on June 20 to anyone who could guess the company after being provided clues.

Two weeks ago, the group took credit for a cyberattack on the Shoprite Group, one of the largest supermarket chains serving multiple countries across southern Africa.
The group previously announced ransomware attacks on the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority, Jefferson Credit Union, AHS Aviation Handling Services and others.
A Cyberint report last month said the group did not see itself as a ransomware gang and instead claimed to be a platform for other ransomware gangs.
Emsisoft threat analyst Brett Callow told The Record that the group is associated with the White Rabbit ransomware. The ransomware family emerged in January and has ties to an APT group called FIN8, according to Trend Micro.
Jonathan Greig
is a Breaking News Reporter at Recorded Future News. Jonathan has worked across the globe as a journalist since 2014. Before moving back to New York City, he worked for news outlets in South Africa, Jordan and Cambodia. He previously covered cybersecurity at ZDNet and TechRepublic.